What is a specialist?

Our specialists are professionals who have been selected in order to advise the members of our community , as well as our customers and to diversify our service offer.

These people, who act as experts in their respective fields, are trustworthy people whom we have chosen with care.

We are committed to providing our customers with personalized and transparent service. Whether through referrals, the support of our precious sponsors or even through our specialists.

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What can they do?

> Respond to a need that the company La Vulgarisatrice cannot fill (because of its skills and/or its profession);

> Refer you to other trusted professionals insofar as they cannot respond to your requests themselves;

> Accompany you in processes that require to be followed by qualified people.

Me Zoë Alexandra Fortin

Me Zoë Alexandra Fortin has been a civil and commercial litigation lawyer since 2018. Having obtained her law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Sherbrooke in 2017, she began her practice in a boutique litigation firm in Montreal, joining then the Chamoun Legal team in June 2021.

As a litigation lawyer, she is often called upon to make representations before the Court of Quebec, the Superior Court of Quebec and the Court of Appeal of Quebec. You should also know that Me Fortin practices law in French as well as in English.

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His main areas of practice are:

>> General civil and commercial litigation;
>> Real estate law;
>> Corporate law;
>> Construction law;
>> Insurance law;
>> Civil liability law;
>> Labor law .

The Chamoun Legal firm is located in Montreal but the lawyers of this firm also serve clients on the south shore and the north shore.

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His coordinates :

T | 514-360-6225 ext. 203
A | 10330 Cote-de-Liesse, Bur. 110,
Montreal Qc H8T 1 A3

Me Fortin's website

Chamoun Legal website

Contact Me Zoë Alexandra Fortin by email

Me Jennifer Guay

Lawyer since 2017, Me Jennifer Guay opened her firm which specializes in business law and serves companies and entrepreneurs from all sectors of activity in Quebec!

Dedicated and with an efficiency recognized by all of her clients, she stands out for her accessibility and her personalized service offer.

Me Guay joined our company as an expert and wishes to bring her
expertise in supporting our clients in all their business legal needs.

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Its main services are:

>> Contracts and corporate documents;
>> Start-up and business structures;
>> Embedding;
>> Strategic advice;
>> Assessment of legal risks;
>> Agreement between shareholders;

>> Formal notice and collection of accounts;

>> Purchase and sale of a business;
>> Labor law;
>> Minute book .

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His coordinates :

T | 581-994-5366
A | 797, boul. Lebourgneuf-bur. 300
Quebec Qc G2J 0B5

Me Guay's website

Contact Me Jennifer Guay by email

Me Adèle Pilote-Babin

For nearly 10 years, Adèle has been a lawyer & business strategist.

After studying and working for several years abroad, it was in her hometown that she created La Boîte Légale.

She puts her expertise at the service of entrepreneurs, by providing diligent support at each phase of their business projects; convinced that entrepreneurship is a great way to create a tailor-made life.

With this in mind, she is also co-founder of the Les Consoeurs concept, which offers training recognized by various professional orders to help women create practices and careers that reflect their image.

Being in business is an arduous climb. It all starts with a dream, an idea and there are so many things to know, to master. We often choose to be an entrepreneur to feel free and we end up losing our freedom by being overwhelmed.

Adèle & her team, guide you at each stage of your entrepreneurial journey to make the best decisions and directions in the optimal interest of your company and yourself, at the strategic, structural, aspirational and legal level!

We will use our expertise and our skills, our know-how and our know-how, to relieve you and allow you to be the human being at the heart of your project! We are your allies so that your vibrant idea, your desire for freedom and your mission can align and become a successful concrete project while being 100% yourself and free in your role as creator and founder of your company!

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Its main services are:

>> Business law;
>> Family law;
>> Civil law;
>> Administrative law;
>> Labor law;
>> Real estate law;
>> Dispute prevention and resolution.

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His coordinates :

T | 450-449-0043
A | 637-1 boul. Marie-Victorin
Boucherville Qc J4B 1X6

Legal Box website

The Sisters website

Contact Me Adèle Pilote-Babine by email